Monday, February 24, 2020

Catching up on Christmas...

I know, I know... It's almost the end of FEBRUARY! You guys have no idea how many times I have tried to start a consistent blog. It's been years. However, 2020 is going to bring a lot of changes for us as a family and I want to document it. So, here we go again. Wish me luck!

Christmas 2019 was awesome. We spent Christmas Eve with Mark's side of the family, Christmas morning by ourselves, and Christmas afternoon with my side of the family. This was actually the first year that we had Christmas morning all to ourselves! Both mark and I have family close by and sometimes it is hard to balance holidays between extended family and our own little family (especially since Mason is the first grandchild). But we wanted to do our own little Christmas this year because Mason is getting older and starting to understand more things. Plus, it gave Mark and me incentive to actually wait until Christmas morning to give each other our gifts. We have a habit of not being able to wait and giving our gifts early. But I am happy to report that we waited, made cinnamon rolls and omelets for breakfast, we played in the snow, Mason had a good time (favorite gift was definitely the avocado in his stocking haha), and we enjoyed a few hours by ourselves before heading over to Grandma and Grandpa's house.


Faster Dad!!